Thursday, 17 September 2009

in the court of the crimson king

i know i have a tendency to listen to a bunch of albums that were released more than 50 years ago, so instead of setting my time machine back to the 1950's jazz era, i will instead opt for the late 60's, and this absolute aural masterpiece, king crimson's phenomenal debut album "in the court of the crimson king". i was watching the film "kingdom of men" the other night, and in one scene michael caine has the song "epitaph..." playing on the radio, and it inspired me to get it out and listen to it repeatedly, non-stop, day and night.
loosely termed "prog rock" (although the band themselves despised that title) every time i listen to this album, it continues to blow my mind. i'm not even going to begin to try and describe it, because their music is chameleonic (is that even a word? anyway, like a chameleon) and changes form and structure so many times, combining elements of jazz, folk, classical, soundscape, etc. the list of influences is endless. i give up, i am just going to listen to the album again and lose myself.

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