Saturday, 18 July 2009


another artist who i wish i had known a little more about during my art studies, american stephen hendee creates large geometric, science-fiction inspired installations made from fluorescent light, sheets of plastic and black electrical tape. it's difficult to track down any of his latest works on the internet (i don't think his website has been updated in a while), but this one from 2007 entitled "the eye" appears to be one of his most recent, although i have been able to deduce that he is still plying his trades in the artistic arena as an associate professor of sculpture at univeristy of nevada, so i'm sure there is more work to come from him in the not too distant future.
although better experienced insitu rather than through images, the documentation is all that remains from temporary installations of this nature, so check for more pictures
also check out the exhibition book "ascension" (aptly named after being inspired by coltrane's album of the same title), a documentation of hendee's installation in birmingham, alabama in 2002-03.


Ingo said...

awww. sweet work. really amazing. have you seen in the flesh? wait, haven't you been known to use electrical tape too?


Paul Ducco said...

holy carp!! that's sweet.