Tuesday 14 July 2009

the object of my affection

I currently have my eye on this art deco "Cactus" candle holder, from the same series as my other piece, by the austrian company goldscheider. I actually stumbled across this piece about 6months ago when i bought my piece, (see http://armchairsuperhero.blogspot.com/2009/05/blog-post.html) and i was desperate to add this one to my collection but it sold before i got a chance! to my luck, now another collecter has emerged with an identical piece, in even better condition than the first one!
it's got $1500 on it at the moment. damn, how i wish i was more sensible with my money right now.
if you could please happily send your tax-deductable donations to the armchair superhero, and help me fund this tidy little purchase, i promise you can come and visit sometimes for a look.

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