everybody must, at some point in their lives, have had a favourite artistically-inclined person. be it an artist, musician/musical act, actor or designer, you have followed their career closely and worshipped their body of work - as soon as a new album or product or artwork is unveiled, you race out and purchase it to add to the collection, knowing that the work they produce is always going to be of exceptional quality and consistent with their previous efforts. no need to read a review about it first, you know you are going to love it.
but every now and then, they release something amongst their amazing body of work, that, well, just doesn't do it for you.
i personally must confess that i am guilty of having a shopping-list of people who's practise i closely follow. i am a MASSIVE admirer of german designer konstanin grcic's body of work, and so was super-excited to hear that at milan this year, magis would be unveiling grcic's new "360 chair".
this is one of those products that you will have a love-hate relationship with - you either love it, or you absolutely hate it, correction, you absolutely DESPISE it. unfortunately, i must confess that i am in the latter half of this equation. i have not yet had the (uncomfortable)pleasure of sitting on this chair, or even seeing it in the flesh, but i know already that this is one of his products that i am just going to have to conveniently push to the back of my mind when i admire grcic's work. did i say push to the back of my mind? i meant eradicate from my memory completely. someone me the address for the clinic in "eternal sunshine..." i need to forget this chair, and quick.
in fact, i am such a non-fan the 360 chair that i would not dare taint my beloved blog by putting an image of it up, so instead, i will put an image of his previous effort from magis that i love so much, the "chair one". thank goodness for the rest of his work.